From the Parallel Life

…where rules are created to deal with the expectations…

He: so I was asked to be this guy Best Man and I don’t know what to write for my speech. I don’t know him that well and I never met the bride to be

She: why did he ask you to be his best man?

He: Well he felt like we got close over the years and that he would like me to be one.

She: see this is something that I am always scare about it… someone feels that they are close to you but you dont feel the same..

He: I know right. I like the guy but it’s just I don’t know him that well

She: So lets make a deal! You gotta know me as much as I know you and you gotta love me as much as I love you! and no wedding speechs is allow in our friendship! Well, I know that you dont plan to get married again, so I have nothing to worry about it, but I promise not give you a hard time if I ever get married.

He: it’s a deal!

She: (this user is shaking your hand)

From the Parallel Life

…Where jokes are made to not face the truth…

“Next week, baby!”, she sets her new alert message on skype. And it doesnt take longer until the first question:

He: Are you having a baby next week?

She: Yes! I am pregnant!

He: I knew it! Holy Ghost!

She: I am this century version of Virgin Mary.

He: Hahaha You are funny!

From the Parallel Life…

…when knowing his own feeling is an issue…

He: You are good sport

She: good sport…

He: yes you are!

She: every time you say this it makes me feel that I am your hobby not your friend

He: Yes, you are my hobby haha no, you are not. Come on, dont be upset. you are probably my closest friend. you know everything about me.

She: Its not about what I know about you. Its about how you feel. Otherwise your shrink would be your best friend on Earth and its not the case, is it?

He: Ha ha, not its not

She: you wont never get it…

He: (this user is offline)